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Little Go Bag

Here are some great Little Go Bag ideas! These bags will come in handy whenever a Little and Caregiver have to go somewhere for a long period of time! Whether it be an amusement park, zoo, or just a day out of the house, these will be life savers! Below I’ll list the crucial things you will need in your go bag!

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Crayons/Colored Pencils - This is a must for those creative Littles who get bored easily! Especially standing in long lines for rides or taking a break out of the shade.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Travel Size Coloring Books - These go right along with our number one! The Best ones to have are the smaller sizes, so they won’t require a large bag to carry with you everywhere, but they still keep your little busy!

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Snacks - In my experience, snacks are one of the most important things to carry during a long day with a little! Especially the Littles that get a little grumpy when hungry! Some ideas of easy to carry snacks would be gummy snacks, a bag of cookies or crackers, and maybe even some baby food, depending on your little age!

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Drinks - The way you pack the drinks will also be dependent on your little’s age! It could be a bottle, sippy cup, or just a water bottle! But always make sure to take a drink, no matter where you go! It’s very important that both of you stay hydrated.

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]Clean Nini (Pacifier) - If your little uses a nini, make sure to always have a clean one on hand! Carry it in a case or a zip lock bag to keep it clean on your day out until it’s ready to be used.

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]Stickers - Now this might sound random, but this is probably the best way to keep a little busy! Give them stickers. The stickers mixed with the coloring book will keep the little busy for a while!

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]Travel Size Stuffie - This is also a very important thing to have, especially if the trip is going to require a long car ride! But make sure the stuffie isn't too big, so it will be easy to carry anywhere!

[if !supportLists]8. [endif]Wet Wipes/ Hand Sanitizer - These are an absolute must! Always carry these, anywhere you go! These work for sticky hands, dirty picnic tables, nini that were dropped, and just about anything else you can think of!

If you have any other ideas of things to carry around in your little go bag, comment and let me know!

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